
From passcodes to firewalls and everything in-between

We’ll start with the basic groundwork to keep your devices secure and build on extra layers of security as needed. If you need help with configuring your device to keep it secure or want us to do it for you, feel free to reach out and schedule an appointment. We can help you with all of the services below. Also, Check out our mobile wiki to see if we have the answers you’re looking for and check out our Security Services tab for products from our partners.

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Passwords and Authentication methods

We will personally help you set up passwords that cannot be guessed and set up authentication methods that prevent anyone but you access your device.

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Account Protection

We make sure that your accounts remain safe and app settings are optimal for account security.

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Account Recovery

Have you lost access to your accounts? We'll help you access them again!

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Settings Optimization

We make sure that your device settings are configured to maintain optimal security on your devices.

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Location Security

We make sure that your location can only be seen by the people you choose, or no one but you.

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Cloud storage & back up

You will never have to lose any of your personal information again and we'll make sure none of your memories or personal information ever reaches the wrong hands.

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Tracking protection

Have you ever thought about something and immediately saw a video or advertisement as soon as you open your phone? We can prevent companies and search engines from tracking you.

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Malware Scanning

We will manually scan your device for malicious apps and bugs.

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Antivirus Protection & Firewall

With the help of our friends we will make sure your information is encrypted and your device is built like Fort Knox.

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Lost & Stolen Fail-safe options

We will provide you with step by step instructions on how to act quickly and efficiently in the event that your device ends up in the wrong hands.

Products from our partners

Norton Life Lock For Businesses

Crypto Wallets

Trend Micro

Nord VPN

Nord Pass
