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At the top of this screen you will see your current battery percentage and an estimated amount of time before your phone is out of juice.

Battery Usage

At the top of this screen you will see a graph of your battery usage for the past 24 hours. You can see how much battery was used, what apps used what percentage of your total battery, and when you charged your phone. There will be blank spots on the graph if you had your phone off. When you click on a bar on the graph, you will see what apps were being used, what percentage and the amount of time for that specific timeframe of the day.

Battery Usage Settings for Apps

If you click on an app on the Battery Usage screen, it will take you to another screen with some app settings for battery usage and you will see the following options:

Note: With some apps, not all of these options will be available.

  • Open
    • This will open the app you’ve selected to view.
  • Disable
    • This will disable the app so it won’t be a functioning part of your phone anymore. Keep in mind, if you disable an app, some functions on your phone may no longer work anymore and it could take away some of the usability on your phone.
  • Uninstall
    • This will uninstall the app from your phone.
  • Force Stop
    • Force stopping the app will force it to stop running in the background and the foreground of your device. This will usually stop an app from misbehaving (glitching) but could also have the reverse effect if it was working properly before. You could also lose any unsaved data or progress in the app if you do this.
  • Manage Battery Usage
    • Unrestricted
      • This will allow the app to run in the background without restrictions. You may need some apps to do this but it will consume more battery.
    • Optimize
      • This is the recommended setting for most apps. Your phone will manage the battery more efficiently and only use battery when it needs to.
    • Restricted
      • This will restrict an apps battery usage while it’s running in the background. While this saves battery, the app may not work as efficiently and app notifications may be delayed. Make sure if you choose this option, the app can function properly without running in the background.

Battery Saver

Turning on Battery Saver is a great feature to use if you’re running low on battery or you’re in a situation where you won’t be able to charge your phone for an extended amount of time. The battery saver will turn on dark theme and will turn off or limit apps running in the background. It will also turn off some visual effects, certain features, and some network connections.

To turn Battery Saver on, tap on the switch next to Use Battery Saver.

Set a Schedule

You have a few options to schedule your battery saver to turn on.

  • No Schedule
    • Battery Saver will only be turned on and off when you do so manually.
  • Based on Your Routine
    • When this is on, your phone analyzes how much battery you use throughout the day and when you usually charge your phone and it will turn on if your phone thinks your battery will die before you charge it again.
  • Based on Percentage
    • You can pick a battery percentage that will trigger your battery saver to turn on between 10% and 75%.

Turn Off When Charged

When your phone reaches 90% charged it will automatically turn off your battery saver.

Extreme Battery Saver

This will extend your battery life more than the normal battery saver to conserve your battery in critical moments. Most apps and notifications will be silenced but you can select certain apps to work so you can still get important notifications and messages

When to Use
  • Ask Every time
    • You will be asked every time your Battery Saver is turned on if you want to use Extreme Battery Saver.
  • Always Use
    • Extreme Battery Saver will always be turned on when you turn your Battery Saver on.
  • Never Use
    • Your Extreme Battery Saver will never be used.
Essential Apps

Most apps and notifications will be turned off when Extreme Battery Saver is turned on but you can choose specific apps that you can use aside from the system apps that will be allowed.

Adaptive Preferences

Adaptive preferences will help your phone intelligently conserve battery.

Adaptive Charging

Adaptive Charging will help extend the long term health of your battery by charging it steadily when your phone is charging for a longer period of time. This feature will be activated based on how your phone analyzes your usage and charging habits.

Adaptive Battery

Adaptive battery will intelligently analyze how you use your phone and apps on your phone and extend and conserve your phones battery life accordingly.

Battery Share

Battery share is a feature that allows you to charge another device wirelessly with the bak of your Google Pixel.

  • To use it, turn on the switch next to where it says Allow Battery Share.
  • Then position the other device on the back of your phone.

Stop Sharing Battery When your Phone Reaches a Certain Percent

So you don’t completely run out of battery on your phone, your phone will stop charging the other device once your battery reaches at least 50%. You can set your phone to stop charging another device at a minimum of 10%.

Battery Percentage

When this is on, your battery’s percentage will show up in the status bar (the top right corner of your phone).

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