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Face ID & Attention

How to adjust Face ID and attention settings on iPhone

If you own an iPhone with the Face ID feature, you can modify its settings to accommodate physical or visual limitations. Here’s how:

Setting up Face ID with Accessibility Options

The default setup process for Face ID requires you to rotate your head in a circular motion to capture different angles of your face. However, if you’re unable to perform this motion, you can still set up Face ID without moving your head.


  1. Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode.
  2. Position your face within the frame, then tap on Accessibility Options.

Please note that even with these accessibility options, Face ID will still remain secure, but it may require more consistency in how you look at your iPhone.

Adjusting Attention Settings

Face ID is designed with attention awareness for added security. It will only unlock your iPhone if your eyes are open and you’re looking directly at the screen. Additionally, attention awareness can also display notifications and messages, keep the screen lit while reading, or lower the volume of alerts.

It is recommended to keep attention awareness features turned on for maximum security. However, if you prefer not to use these features, you can adjust them as follows:


  1. Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode.
  2. Toggle the following options as desired:
  • Require Attention for Face ID: This setting ensures that the Face ID software only unlocks the iPhone when the user’s eyes are open and they are looking at the screen. This adds an extra layer of security to the device.

  • Attention Aware Features: This setting allows the iPhone to reveal notifications and messages, keep the screen lit when the user is reading, or lower the volume of alerts when they are looking at the screen. This feature enhances the overall user experience.

  • Haptic on Successful Authentication: This setting enables haptic feedback when the Face ID successfully authenticates the user. This means that the iPhone will give a subtle vibration when the user has unlocked the device. This can provide added feedback and make the unlocking process more convenient.

Note: These settings will be turned off by default if you turn on VoiceOver during iPhone setup. Keep in mind that requiring attention awareness enhances the security of Face ID.

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