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To ensure that your phone is working properly, you can run a variety of diagnostic tests.

  1. You can access the diagnostic features in one of two ways, through the Samsung Members app on your phone or through Settings > Battery and Device Care > Diagnostics.

  2. You can either click on each icon separately if you want to run specific tests or you can click on Test all to test each function sequentially.

  3. Once you hit Test All continue with the prompts on the screen to test your phone’s functions. Through the testing process, you will be prompted to perform tasks, such as turning on and off utilities or recording.

  4. As you complete each test, you will be asked to answer some questions. If you answer no because a feature isn’t functioning properly, you may be taken through some additional steps. If a test fails it will turn red.

  5. The functions that are working will be blue. You can click to see results or test again.

  6. The white sections are functions that were skipped.

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