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Battery Is Draining Or Phone Isn’t Charging

Another common issues that so many people have with their phones is that the phones battery is draining to quickly, the phone isn’t charging, It’s not holding a charge, or the phone is overheating. There could be a number of reasons for each of these events and we’ll go over all of the possible reasons why this could be happening and how to fix them in this article.

The Problem: Phone Isn’t Charging

If your phone is plugged in and it still isn’t charging there could be a couple reasons for this.

The Fix


Damaged Charger

If your phone isn’t charging it may not even be the phone. It could be that the cable you’re using or the charging block has gone bad or is broken. If you can, try plugging in your charger into another phone to see if it works. If it does it may be your phone, if it doesn’t then it’s most likely the charger. Also try to plug it in to a different outlet in your home if you generally use the same one to make sure it’s not a faulty outlet as well.

Charging Port Has Lint or Other Debris

If you’ve determined that the charger isn’t the problem, try to get a small soft Q-tip like tool to clean out the charging port at the bottom of your phone. Most of us keep our phones in our pocket or in a bag that accumulates lint and other fuzzy debris which could be blocking the connection between the charger and the phone. Be careful while you are doing this as to not damage the charging port and try not to scrape anything.

Damaged Port

If the previous steps are done and the phone still isn’t charging then your phones charging port could be damaged. This can happen over time from constantly plugging the charger in and unplugging it. Mechanisms in the charging port could get loose or damaged. If this is the case, you may need to get it repaired or get a new phone.

Third Party Apps

Samsung devices, like all phones with Android Operating Systems, have the ability to download third party unverified apps. While this could be a good thing because of the freedom you have to customize your phone and download essentially whatever you want, you could accidentally download an app that takes over your phone and prevents your phone from charging. Most of the time these malicious apps will drain your phones battery but not allowing it to charge is a possibility. If the previous steps aren’t the problem and this happened suddenly try to delete any recent apps you’ve downloaded that aren’t verified sources and offload unused apps on your phone. You could also scan you phone for security risks to find apps that pose a problem by going into your settings and tapping on Security And Privacy.

The Problem: Phone Battery Is Draining Quickly

Another common issue is that your phone battery isn’t lasting as long as it should or as long as it use to and theres a few reasons why this could happen.

The Fix


Display Brightness

If you keep your Samsung phone’s display at maximum brightness at all times then your battery will drain faster than usual. Try to keep your Brightness down on your phone and disable the Always On Display. You could also enable Dark Mode which will save battery as well. Additionally, you may have a setting on where your phone screen timeout is too long so your phone will stay on too long before going to sleep which will drain battery. To adjust this setting click Here.

Location Services

If you always have your location on for a lot of apps this will cause your battery to drain much quicker. Ideally turn off your location for all of your apps and only choose to allow location if your phone asks you to do so. That way you can still use location features when your need them without using up too much battery life. For more on Samsung’s location services click Here.

Close Out Unused Apps

The more apps you have running at once, the more battery your phone will use. If you need multiple apps then by all means keep them open but try to make a point to close out apps when you’re finished using them to conserve battery life.

Increased Usage

Your battery could also be draining quickly because you’re simply just using your phone for extended amounts of time throughout the day. If you stream a lot of videos and music or play games on your phone frequently then your battery will naturally drain from usage. Try keeping you phone in Power Saving Mode to conserve battery usage in the background so your battery gets used for the specific app you’re using. Keep in mind that when you have Power Saving Mode on the speed of your phone will be cut down to conserve battery which may not be ideal if you’re constantly switching between apps or playing games that require the speeds. You can also turn on some other battery saving features Here.

Change The Processing Speeds And Turn Off RAM Plus

A cool feature on newer Samsung models is you can increase Processing Speeds and use Ram Plus to make your phone run significantly faster. However, these are not settings that you want to keep on all the time as they will significantly drain your battery and cause your phone to overheat.

Old Battery

If you’ve had your Samsung phone for awhile then it could just be that the capacity of your phone’s battery is just not what it use to be. Consider options for upgrading your phone or replacing it if the fixes above aren’t working.

The Problem: Phone Is Overheating

If you are experiencing your phone overheating it could be one of a few things that most of which can’t really be fixed by adjusting software settings.

The Fix


Change The Processing Speeds And Turn Off RAM Plus

An overheating phone could also be because of Processing Speeds and the RAM Plus features.

Using Power Intensive Apps For Too Long

If you are constantly using your phone for extended hours at a time and using a large amount of apps at once or power intensive gaming you may need to let your phone cool off for a bit before continuing.

Intensive Weather Conditions

If you leave your phone out in the heat for too long it can cause over heating internally just like anything else. Try to leave your phone in a room temperature place or if you’re out in the sun leave it in your bag, pocket, or somewhere in the shade.

Faulty Battery

The battery in your phone could just be a bad battery. You may need to get your phone replace or upgrade your phone. You could get your battery replaced as well but you may actually incur less of a cost by just getting a new phone.

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